Guyana is a kind of place that’s becoming increasingly rare in the world today; come and you’ll
find untouched nature with amazing wildlife and birding experiences, rich culture and heritage,
warm hospitality, and a relaxing, Caribbean vibe. 90% of the population live along the coast,
leaving the country’s lush interior untouched, and ripe for exploration.
The thick forests and river systems are home to iconic animals and birds. 820 plus species of
birds, 228 species of mammals, 900 species of fish and more than 6500 plants back the country’s
reputation have given Guyana its deserved reputation as a serious wildlife and birding
destination. Travelers often come with extensive checklists when visiting the protected areas and
pristine rainforests. Visitors come to Guyana hoping for glimpses of giants such as jaguars,
arapaima (the world’s largest-scaled freshwater fish), giant anteaters, harpy eagles, capybaras,
giant river otters, black caimans and the world’s largest lily, Victoria Amazonica. Other heart-
stoppers include puma, leatherback turtles, bird-eating spiders, several species of monkeys and a
host of snakes – bushmasters, anacondas, rattlesnakes, labarias and corals.
With a vast mix of ethnic backgrounds, traditions, spiritual beliefs, festivals, architecture and
landscapes, the memories of Guyana blaze long after travelers have left its shores. The rich
cultural landscape of the country can best be explained as a mix of Caribbean culture and
Indigenous roots. It can be experienced by attending festivals, staying with local communities in
ecolodges, exploring the heritage of the country, and indulging in Guyanese cuisine.
If there is one thing that stands out about Guyanese, it is that we love coming together and
enjoying celebrations. Many festivals and events showcase the country’s colorful ethnic
diversity. These events come alive through road parades and processions, street jams and parties.
So, mark your calendars and plan your trip around one of these exciting events. You will not be
disappointed. Meet our creator, Allison! Try her Turmeric and Honey Body Butter. You will not
be disappointed.